How do I play Minecraft online with a friend over Xbox Live?

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Preview How do I play Minecraft online with a friend over Xbox Live?
A Microsoft account is always important to Minecraft players because with an Xbox account, we can get full access to online servers, merchandise, view our experiences, save our skins and more. If you uninstall Minecraft or reinstall the system, your purchases will sync and will still be available in your Microsoft account, so it's not worth losing your account permanently.

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Signing up and logging in to Xbox Live

Go to settings and go to the "Profile", click "Sing in for Free!"
Log in to Xbox Live
Enter your data (login and password), then click "Login".

You are not registered?

Click on "Create one!" then "Get a new email address".
Create a new Microsoft account
Go through the entire registration process. When registering you may be asked to enter your date of birth. Enter 1990, for example. The point is that if you are under 18 years old, Microsoft will filter the content, which creates restrictions such as logging in to the server.
Gametag Xbox Live
Now enter any nickname, preferably memorable and short. With the nickname your friend will find you and send a friend request. After successful registration, it will be possible to log on to servers and buy products in the marketplace.

How to send an invitation?

Create a world and go to the main menu, click "Invite to Game". Then "Add friend.
Invite a friend to a server
Enter your friend's nickname and add him or her as a friend.
Add friend
Go back, select a player and press "Send Invite".
Selecting and inviting a player
This is roughly how your playmate will see your server. He should receive a notification. In any case, he must himself go into the game and go to the "Friends" section.
How will your friend see when you invite him to your server on Xbox
You can now enjoy the game!
My friend when he came to my server
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Comments (15)
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  2. Avatar Minhquan123
  3. Avatar klaas
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  6. Avatar Abdur Rafay
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  10. Avatar STELVIO
  11. Avatar GAMER111
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  12. Avatar Johan Polo
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  13. Avatar zakir
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